Monday, May 19, 2008

All He Had To Do Was Ask For Some Candy

I guess he knew that my answer would have been "No."

The Boys always get a lollipop when they go to the barbershop. I'm assuming Thing 1 had a sweet tooth. He got a hold of Hubby's beard and mustache trimmer and did this...

I had hoped we could fix it and still save some of his hair until I saw this...
and this...
I knew there was no hope after looking at this...
Oh well, at least he has a nice round head.

He got his trip to the barbershop and his sucker.


Anonymous said...

Guess he was having fun. Don't you just love all the things they find to try out? It fits the hot weather we are having and lucky for his sister her didn't try it on her.

Karen said...


leaner said...

HAHA! That is too funny. At least he is a boy! My SISTER did this, because she wanted a buzz cut like her brothers.

Kristina said...

So glad that I'm not the only mother that has been through this. In my case it was my little girl, and I'm not fond of the Sinead O'Connor look, so the shaved part hid under a combover for several months - and actually still does to some extent...

Doulala said...

Leaner and Kristina, WOW! I would have died if my daughter had done this to herself.

Swistle said...

Oh he is SO CUTE! Funny little snipper!